
The Boyfriend, 2019/20

“Musical supervisor Simon Beck keeps things tight and bright, helped by David Cullen’s new orchestrations” – Whatsonstage

“The bright, brassy band, under musical supervisor Simon Beck, do justice to David Cullen’s vivacious orchestrations” –

“The band led by Simon Beck is watertight” – Evening Standard

“Under the bouncy musical direction of Simon Beck of an onstage nine-piece band, it is performed with sparkling allure by a cast who sing it blissfully” – Mark Shenton,

“The score, incidentally, is reprise-happy to a fault: rare is the number that doesn’t build in its own encore, which in turn ramps up the pleasure taken in musical director Simon Beck’s top-class orchestra” –

“The orchestra, directed by Simon Beck, was a triumph, and performed Sandy Wilson’s score with the brio and tenderness it deserves” –

“The all-important musical input is provided by Simon Beck, with help from orchestrator David Cullen. Wilson’s effervescent but familiar score is rejuvenated and vivaciously played by Beck and his eight instrumentalists” –

“Simon Beck’s band are clearly having a whale of a time too, relishing the easy swing and sway of Wilson’s score. A surefire hit if ever there was one” –

“Wilson’s hit packed score is performed magnificently by an unusually large orchestra – nine in all – housed in a kind of conservatory at the side of the stage, his lyrics come across loud and clear” –

Simon Beck’s bijou little band punches above its weight with its perky playing of Sandy Wilson’s cheery numbers and the terrific ensemble throw themselves so wholeheartedly into this delightful piece of nonsense that I was left with a stupid grin permanently etched on my face for a full two and a half hours.” –

Big cheers too for MD Simon Beck, heading up a 9-piece band from his perch at the keyboard, oft playing his own arrangements, plus David Cullen’s jaunty orchestrations.” –

MD Simon Beck’s band sound fantastic.” –