Pictured with concertmaster supreme Jonathan Hill – photo by luciddreampictures.com

Simon studied conducting (with Alan Hazeldine & Francis Shaw), piano (with Penny Stirling & John York), and French horn (with Jane Hanna) at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, and singing, privately (with Maureen Scott) in London.

His début, as the youngest assistant conductor in musical theatre, was at the age of 20 when he conducted the German premier production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Sunset Blvd.

Simon made his classical début with The Scottish Pops Orchestra at the Glamis Prom (2018) conducting Holst, Barry, and Elgar.

Conducting the ERT Contemporary Music Orchestra

“Simon is great to work with; not only a fine musician and conductor but also someone who deals with problems quickly and easily. His enthusiasm in his work makes sure that everyone involved can work to their very best”

Robert Jolley, producer (Raymond Gubbay Ltd)


Simon has given two in-depth interviews about his work on West Side Story and Carousel for Dr Hannah Baxter’s series Notes From The Podium.
Notes is used as a teaching resource at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London; Carnegie Mellon, USA; and subscribed to by other universities and individuals worldwide. 

If you’d like to book a conducting masterclass with Simon, please see conducting coaching

Photo credit – luciddreampictures.com

Conducting The Scottish Pops Orchestra, starring Christina Bianco, in the Glamis Prom, Glamis Castle, Scotland 2017.

Rehearsing the Scottish Pops Orchestra for the Glamis Prom, 2018